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Home / Self Development / A Book That Nobody Gifted Me – Rich Dad Poor Dad

A Book That Nobody Gifted Me – Rich Dad Poor Dad


A Book That Nobody Gifted Me. Hence, I Gifted It To Myself. Now, It’s A Part Of My Best Books To Read List

Most of the successful people read more than 75 books a year. There is a saying that rich people read more books. So, if we go a bit deep, we can understand that nobody became rich by reading more books. Instead, those who are rich and successful now had attained their current status by implementing what they read. Do you know that every person who runs a successful business own a small library at home? Not just that, they update their best books to read list regularly once in six months.

Good To Know:

Warren Buffet spends 80 % of his day reading.


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Image Credit: Pixabay

How Did I Start Reading This Book?

I wanted to make money. I do not want to end up paying EMI’s all my life. If you want me to be brutally honest, I will say that I do not believe in the security that a full-time job gives. I was running for something that will add fuel to my thought of making more money in a legal way for a comfortable living.

Good To Know - Warren Buffet spends 80 % of his day reading.

Image Credit: Inba

It is possible for anyone who is reading this post to think that I am running towards making money.

True and Yes, I am trying to make money so that I can lead a better life and give my dependents a peaceful future. At the same time, I do agree that Money alone cannot bring happiness.

But, tell me this.

Can anyone lead a happy life without money?

Some of you might have a feeling that a happy family, good health, and money to handle basic needs is enough.

I agree. But, let me pause here for a moment.

Do you think that earning money to make the ends meet is enough?

Even to lead a content life we need money, Isn’t it?

To meet the basic needs, to handle health-related expenses we need money. Without meeting these, I am unsure if there can be a happy family.

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This understanding in my mind paved the way to hunt for books that are capable of providing more insights, ignite the fire in my mind and thoughts. This book which I am going to point here in this post is for sure a part of the best books to read list according to me.

Rich Dad Poor Dad

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Image Credit: Inba

I wish my mom read when she was studying in a college. The same book I wish my mom made me read when I was a teen. Unfortunately, it took me 33 years to grab a copy of this treasure and read.

Yes, it is a treasure that is available in front of most of us. A treasure with a lot of information about personal finance given by Robert T. Kiyosaki.

What Is In The Book?

I had above mentioned that this book should be in the best books to read a list of every one of us. That is because a lot of grey areas in investment and personal finance had been broken into pieces in this book.

Those pieces ensure that the one who reads this book gets better clarity on personal finance and on how to invest money wisely. This book in my best books to read list consist of nine chapters excluding the introduction and final thoughts.

The Core Page

Image Credit: Inba

Starting from quoting Robert Frost poem “The Road Not Taken” in the introductory phase, the author had explained vital portions of money-making/saving.

The highlighted page shown above has great information. It will make you think if you can zoom in a bit. That portion is enough to trigger an interest in you to buy this book.

Nowhere else I had read and nobody had explained to me the difference between an asset vs liability in such a simple manner outside this book.

Every time I think about investing money on to a house or similar things which incur more expense, I relate it to an asset and liability graph nowadays. That strong is the way how it has been narrated in this book.

Teachings Of A Rich vs Poor Father

There are a lot of scenarios that Robert T. Kiyosaki had narrated in this book about how to save money. Those instances are for sure not just for a good read but for everyone who wanted to put in place.

The rich teach their kids on how to make money work for them, whereas the poor and middle teach their kids on how to work for money.

The above lines in the quote are very true if I look back on the path I had come across so far.

Why Categorize This In Your Best Books To Read List?

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Image Credit: Pixabay

One simple reason is that in this book, each point that prevents one’s progression in their life has been discussed. Starting from fear of failure, lack of drive to achieve, failure to notice opportunities in the front etc. Like these, every single point is in this handy treasure.

Haven’t yet got an opportunity to read this book?

The best thing which you can gift yourself is this book. Trust me, you will not regret instead will Thank me for sure. With such a potential, this book is undoubtedly the one to note under the best books to read list.

Hit the websites like Amazon, Flipkart or walk-in to that nearest bookstore and buy it. Gifting yourself with this book before this weekend would be the best thing that you can do for yourself this week.

Wanted to gift it to someone in their own regional language?

It is possible too as this book has been published/translated into multiple languages.

The Take Away’s

best books to read list


  • Do not overlook the opportunities visible in front of you. Great opportunities are not seen with your eyes. They are seen with your mind.
  • Learn to fail. The more you fail, the higher is the success factor. Remember, no one ever had learned to ride a bicycle without falling down. Our brains are designed to learn things by failing.
  • Mind your own business. By working as an employee, we all are working for someone else business.
  • Financial Struggle is a result of people working all their lives for someone else.
  • Take a path that no one prefers to take or never taken.

For example, let us say that you want to start a business. Your friends and relatives suggest you ignore that approach as that was not preferred by many. Here, your decision to stick to that original approach might give you the great output.

  • Analyze and study that thing where you wanted to invest, beforehand.
  • Learn to make money work for you rather than working for money.
  • People are controlled majorly by two emotions. Fear and Greed. Be an observer and not a reactor to your emotions. This way you can delay your reactions and think.
  • It is not about how much money you make. It is all about how much money you keep.
  • Education is the greatest wealth. Invest on to learn new skills as the benefits are pretty high. Intelligence solves problems and generates money, not the other way around.
  • If you want to be rich, you need to be financially literate.
  • Rich people get assets whereas poor and middle-class people get liability that they think are assets.
  • Remember, An asset is something that puts money in your pocket. A liability is something that takes money out of your pocket.

The “KISS” Principle

  • Keep It Simple, Stupid (Or Keep It, Super Simple).
  • Concentrate your efforts on buying income-generating assets.
  • You often become what you study.
  • Do not leave your daytime job until your own business flourish.
  • Often in the real world, it’s not the smart who get ahead, but the bold.
  • It is not gambling if you know what you are doing. It is gambling if you are just throwing money into a deal and praying.
  • Sometimes you Win. Sometimes you Learn.
  • Our life is the best teacher of all.
  • If you have a desire to be rich, you must focus.

FOCUS: Follow One Course Until Successful.

The above-mentioned take away’s are very few from the book. If you want to taste the full dish, acquire it now. This book acquisition would be one among your best books to read list.

Why Did I Write About This Book Here?

I wrote about it here because I want to,

  1. Share the information with others.
  2. Remember everything I read.
  3. Relate and repeat what I read.

What Next?

best books to read list

Image Credit: Inba

I am unable to spend much time reading. But still, the other two books shown in the above picture is going to be my next books to come under my best books to read list.

Happy Reading.

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  1. Good article, except a few points like these “I wish my mom read when she was studying in a college. The same book I wish my mom made me read when I was a teen. ”

    You probably should’t expect anyone to do anything for you.

    • Hello Nithin, Thank You for your comments. Yes, I agree with your point: One cannot expect another person to do anything for them.

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